Monday, October 8, 2012

Oh, Oh, It's Ladies Night!

Everywhere you looked this weekend, there were bands of women.  Groups of five or more beautiful, laughing, happy women,  They were shopping, walking the beach, and generally exploring the town. 

So many joyful women without men...hmm.  It took me a while to remember it was hunting season and while all the macho men are chasing defenseless animals with high-powered rifles, their "better halves" go to the beach.  It's a tradition.

Saturday night's sunset was especially dramatic and a crowd had gathered at the wayside, mostly ladies carrying cameras and beverages in plastic cups.  As they watched and toasted the end of a beautiful day, the setting sun saluted back by making itself into a martini glass.  Mother Nature loves a good party.

It's Ladies Night, Oh, What a Night!

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