Monday, July 9, 2012

Recipe for Heaven

This morning I got up and set about the task of watering the garden.  The air was fresh and smelled green after yesterday's heat.  My time spent wasn't as much of a task as it was a privilege.

As I lovingly watered each plant, I watched the morning sun dapple their leaves and blossoms.  Some of the plants like to be watered on their feet only and others--like the huge deer ferns--love to be misted as well.  I sprayed the ferns a long time today, they reminded me of toddlers running through the sprinkler who didn't want to stop.  The lettuce and spinach were as grateful for the water as the tomatoes have been for the warm sun finally reaching the Pacific Coast.

My favorite time of year, combined with my favorite time of day, mixed with being outdoors is my recipe for heaven. 

I lingered as long as possible in the garden among these friends before rejoining the rat race.  I left with the promise to return tomorrow morning to continue our conversation.

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