Lots of activity happening here at Saltair Station. Let's look at the highights...
Bears - Black bears have been sighted in several coastal communities including ours. Apparently the berry season wasn't very good this year, so they have come down from the Coast Range to see if there is anything better to eat in town. They aren't aggressive like some other bears, just hungry. Sad to say, we know of at least one who was "removed from the situation."
Deer - Hunting season is upon us so the local deer have also moved in town for the duration. You can see them morning, noon and night roaming the streets--the Saltair Street Gang. They have decided the plants in front of the boat house are yummy and are willing to fight Bob for them. One of the locals says they are bedding down in his backyard at night. I am personally glad they are in town out of danger.
Dragonflies - This past week, the dragonflies have been amazing. There are always 15-20 within sight at any given time both scurrying about and sunning themselves on the rocks. They are so graceful and confident!
Humans - With the tourists pretty much gone, the locals are enjoying their best kept secret--September weather. It was 82 degrees yesterday and no wind. They are soaking up the sun, enjoying the quiet and spirits are high.
Wildlife update: A lone coyote with a hurt leg was in the backyard this morning laying in the sun. Apparently all the wildlife has arrived in town now.