I considered myself a "nature girl"--living in the Pacific Northwest, camping, swimming, rafting, and generally being outdoors whenever possible. I know about most of the plants and animals. You know, the ones to keep away from and the friendly ones.
When we first bought the place, I was excited about all the deer that roam around the neighborhood. I wanted to feed them, but saw the neighbors continuously waving them out of their yards. So dropping that plan, I went back to planting.
The back deck needed planters with lots of colorful flowers and I was filling them all. Blooming and beautiful, with just a little water and sunshine the deck would be glorious in summer. Just a few days later when I went to water them, I got quite a surprise. All of the flowers and many of the leaves had been devoured. Munched right down to the stems. Along with all of the flowers along the apparent "deer path" which goes through the yard.
I bet the deer were thrilled with their new neighbors who put out a whole buffet line of salad bowls just for them! My self-annointed status of nature girl is suffering just a bit!